The Aranjuez Palace is one of the residences of the Royal Family and today is National Heritage. The commissioned to start the construction was the architect Juan Bautista by order of Felipe II , but his death makes the construction stop, until Carlos III, two generations later, retakes the project and carried it out with success to its end. Surrounded by more than 110 garden hectares, Aranjuez is one of the most incredible places in Madrid, and not only by its palace.
Thanks to the pass of the Tagus River by Aranjuez lands, is popular its orchard, being the strawberries one of the main products. Introduced in the 16th-century by the Bourbons, they brought botanists and gardeners from Versalles Palace to cultivate it. Due to its popularity, since 1984 exist a train called Strawberry Train that connects Madrid and Aranjuez, honouring also the train invention and the arrival of industrialization to Spain.